Thursday, August 21, 2008

3D Animation Glossary : I

Tej Kohli says that person have to fight in right direction and also have to use latest news , updates knowledge about that field in which they want to make their career . Sometimes Tej kohli that people taking good training but unable to get job profile or even work .
Lets keep your Knowledge up with Tej Kohli 3D Animation Glossary , words starting with Letter ‘I”
Image-Based Lighting : While we are creating real time lighting effects to control the surface illumination of 3D object , a technique is used to map the reference image to environment image which is called as Image Based Lightening.
In-betweening : While an artists generating two keyframes , then he has to generate intermediate transitions between two . Which is drawn from traditional cel animation , in which artist have to make start and end keyframs of a sequence (typically one second apart), a breakdown artist does the breakdowns (typically four frames apart), and an ‘in-between’ completes the rest.

Interpolation : While 3D software packages calculating in between positions between two keyframs a mathematical procedure is used is called Interpolation .
Inverse Kinematics : Often abbreviated to IK, Inverse Kinematics is a character animationtechnique in which the end bone of a chain - for example, a limb – is assigned a goal object. When the goal object moves, the bone moves with it, dragging the rest of the chain behind it. The movement propagates from the free end of the chain towards the fixed point: the reverse of Forward Kinematics.

Isoparm : Lines on a NURBS surface connecting points of constant U or V co-ordinate
values, and representing crosssections of the NURBS surface in the U or V directions.
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Thursday, July 31, 2008

3D Animation Glossary : H

Tej kohli want to make young generation to choose their own way and having skills which according to market needs and requirement. Tej Kohli 3D animation glossary brings some technical terms which starts with word H.
Hard-Body Dynamics : Basically it has many meaning and know as many other words like some times pounced as rigid-body dynamics , hard body dynamics which can be used to simulate the
physical behaviour of rigid objects that do not deform upon collision.
Hardware Rendering : Sometimes called as display rendering , a 3D scene within the viewports on a 3D software which is basically hardware rendering preview. Which used for providing real time on-screen feedback about the effects of changes makes to the scene and omit processor intensive effects like volumetrics, shadowing and realistic refraction.
HDRI : Basically HDRI stands for ‘High Dynamic Range Image ‘ and which is a 2D image which used in a file format with greater range of luminance values which is greater than a standard Bitmap image HDR images are often used as environment maps in image-based lighting techniques to create subtle, real-world lighting effects.
Hierarchy : When we describe a model then the relationship between sub-objects , as like one scene to another scene . Existence of any sub-objects classifies as parents , children or even independents . There are motion in such a way that parents objects can effect child objects but child effects cannot affect parent objects.
History : While an 3D scene is created many object values had been changed as a record of the previous values of the object had saved and enable user to get previous view of the scene . This is called 3D animation objects history and most valuable during modeling process.
Hull : A series of straight lines connecting the CVs of a NURBS surface.
HDR/Rendering/HDRR: Also know as ‘High Dynamic Range ‘which is using for rendering 3D compute graphics scene by using lightning calculations done in high definition range . Basically it is new lighting model used to illuminate 3D worlds. Video and computer games and many animation movies for creating more realistic scenes than with conventional lighting models.
Heightmap : For three-dimensional data , grayscale image is used . Mostly used in bump mapping , displacement mapping and for for terrain mesh generation. . In a heightmap, the intensity of a pixel's color represents the height displacement of the mesh's corresponding coordinate. A white pixel represents the highest point in the map while a black pixel marks the lowest point in the map.
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

3D Animation Glossary : G

Tej kohli finds that animation now growing its feather and proving much of opportunity for every age person. Tej Kohli 3D Animation Glossary now defines words starts with word ‘G’.

Global Illumination
: It be radiosity or even ray tracing rendering techniques in wider sense . Basically it is a measurement for computing the all possible light interaction between surface while a scene is made for making true image which seems to be real time images . For this combination of all diffuse and specular reflection are used. For Global Illumination simulation many effects like that color bleeding caustics are also included.
Graph Editor : While we design an object in an imaging , many times shapes , shades and color of objects need to be changed . Making an object and for setting through various scene requires various attributes of objects be changed according to time while displayed graphically , in the form of F-Curve . For this special software are attached with GUI which are known as Graph Editor
Grime Map : Also known as ‘dirt maps’, grime maps are two-dimensional images applied to a particular channel of a material. When the image is projected across the surface of an object, it breaks up that channel’s flat, even value, creating realistic surface variations.
Group: A set of sub-objects within a model or scene that move and behave as a single entity, yet can still be split apart (ungrouped), if necessary. Most complicated models are constructed from several less complex parts that need to maintain the same spacing and orientation; grouping provides a way of locking the relative positions of the objects without joining them permanently.
GUI: Graphical User Interface. An iconbased interface that controls a 3D software package. Although the GUI varies from program to program, there are certain basic conventions
governing the layout of the main professional 3D applications.
Global illumination:
Family of algorithms wich, when determining the light falling on a surface, take into account not only the light which has taken a path directly from a light source (direct illumination), but also light which has undergone reflection from other surfaces in the world (indirect illumination).
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Thursday, July 17, 2008

3D Animation Glossary : F

Tej Kohli defines 3D animations mostly used technical terms which are started with Word ‘F’. Comprehensive guide for making career in 3D animation by Tej Kohli.

Face: The face usually defined as back and front of extruded object. Basically object which is used to make an 3D extruded object.
Fall-off : Basically it cab be di\fibed as diminishes of light intensity while the distance increase from the source . In matically its can be calculated inverse square law .that states “intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance.” But while we are considering 3D animation Fall-Off we have to do different type of calculations .

F-Curve : It’s an abbreviation of Function curve which is displayed in the Graph editor of 3D Software package which is used in animation process in many times like display and to control a particular attribute of an object with in different time frame
File Format : 3D object scene or or data making up in which format is stored are called File format . Basically now a day s only two types of 3D file format are available for storing object ,
like LWO which is also known as LightWave and the next one is 3DS format in 3ds max , containing geometry details and object surface properties. LWS and MAX are basically equivalents, because both contain global information about lighting animation and camera data .Some other widely used 3D Animation file format are DXF and IGES which are used in CAD and NURBS models .OBJ object format and cross platform FBX format developed by Kaydara for the interchange of motion data between 3D applications.
Flythrough : It is special type of animation in which camera moves around the scene, usually objects moving infront of stationary camera.
Forward Kinematics: It is also known as FK , which is character animation techniques used for controlling motion of bones in a chain , lets imagine a limb , for that rotation propagate from bone to bone towards the free end of the chain.
Frame: Frame is basically are two dimensional image , but while we are discussing in computer term . its be nothing but be ‘frames per second’ (fps) which measurement of number of images which be displayed per second to give the impression of moving image .Some features of Frames are film work, this value is usually 24; for the European PAL broadcast format, 25; and for the US NTSC broadcast format, 30 fps.

F-Stop The common term for the aperture setting (f-number) of a lens; the f-number is equal to the focal length of a lens divided by the diameter of the aperture
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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

3D Animation Glossary : E

Tej kohli animation glossary now define different definition which starts with letter “E”. According to Tej Kohli yet another terms exist that starts with ‘E’ but mostly used in 2-D animation . So here Tej Kohli choose only those which mostly used in 3-D animation.

Environment Map: While an image going to be implemented on computer. Some backgrounds or even real world lighting is used for making image more real and attractive that can be visible through every angle very sharp and clear. The whole projection which enclosed with scene known as Environment Map.
Expression: While an image built different formula is used for making this image through different angle, means mathematical which is used for calculating attribute of an object while the movement is concerns in keyframe animation also known as procedural alternatives.
Extrusion: It is basically a process of designing three dimension surface , in which two-dimensional outline or profile is duplicated outwards along a linear path, and the set of duplicated
Profiles joined to create a continuous three-dimensional surface.
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Monday, June 23, 2008

3D Animation Glossary : D

Tej Kohli Animation career help brings letter D for define.Lets See Tej Kohli 3D animation glossary.

Deformer: It is a modeling tool which is basically used for deforming the structure of an entire object , but the actually means can be vary software to software packages.
Displacement Map : Black and white image which 3D software packages projects on model surface for generating surface details like that Bump Mapping , but the noticeable difference between Bump and Displacement Map is that its modifies the actual underlying geometry and is not merely a rendering effect.
DOF(Depth of Field) : It’s a specific lens range of acceptable focus behind and in front of primary focus setting .It is basically a function which measure distance between from the lens to the primary focal plane and of the chosen aperture. Big apertures having narrow depth and small aperture have big depth.
Decal : Also known as Texture basically are 2D pixels image stamped on the surface of 3D patches which add reality into models .Some example of Decal are color, Bump, transparency, reflectivity, diffuse, specular, ambiance, mirror, gradient and Cookie Cut.
Basically decal defines how A:M interprets the pixel information in the image.
Default Bone : Each and every model consist one bone which is default ‘Model Bone’ unless and unit you will not add any other new bone. Default bone defines the ‘origin’ or ‘zero-position’ of the model when we work in Choreography.
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

3D Animation Glossary : C -II

Tej Kohli giving some useful abbreviation that start with capital 'C' and widely used in animation.

CGI : Its stands for “Computer Generated Imagery” . With the use of computer software and technology or even we can say images generated by computer aid are known as CGI. Many persons are in believes that CGI is only related to 3D animation, but in reality it is widely applicable in various point.
Channel : Channel has different means in different terms , while we discussing Two-dimensional image , it refer to be a sub-image composed only of the values fro a single component of a given pixel. Different type if image color system has different channel like grayscale has only one color , RGB has three color and CMYK has four color .For the material object its applies to be one particular subset of the properties which determines the way in which a surface reacts to light, including colour, reflectivity, transparency, diffusion, specularity and bump.
Character Animation : Animation sub area which deals with the simulation of living obejects varied movements. Before making the object model move an underlying skeleton , constraints and controller must be set which called rigging process.
Colour Bleeding : Transferring of color of one object color to neighboring object because of light bouncing from one surface to other. For example caustics, colour bleeding is a complex real-world lighting effect, and one that rendering software has only recently become able to simulate accurately.
Colour Space : Mathematical calculation for defining way of color representation in an image . Some common and well known color spaces includes are RGB (Red , Green , Blue ) having 24bit depth and mostly used in broadcasting applications. Little known but widely used color schema is CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) having 32 bit depth and mostly used in print illustration work .
Compositing : Process of combining multiple image into one image . Mostly used in film for
Making live actor with computer generated background reverse also true. Also used for multi-pass rendering to combine the various render passes in different ways to control the look of a scene.
Compression : Process of reducing quantity of data in the making of an image . Compression is very affective tool but its can de be non-destructive (‘lossless’) or destructive (‘lossy’), in which data set is discarded permanently. For example converting still image into JPEG.
Constrain : To restrict the motion of an object to one or two planes, or to a certain range of values within a plane, in order to simplify the process of animation. Constraints are commonly imposed on joints within a skeleton during the process of rigging a character for animation, in
order to prevent that character from performing actions that would be physically impossible.
Constructive Solid Geometry : A modeling technique that combines simple solid forms, or
primitives, into more complex models, by means of Boolean operations. Common primitives
include the plane, the cube, the sphere, the cone and the torus.
Co-ordinate System : A set of numerical values used to denote a location in 3D space. In the
Cartesian co-ordinate system, three orthogonal ‘world axes’ (the X, Y and Z axes) are used to define the position of a point relative to the intersection of these axes, or origin. Other co-ordinate systems can be used for modeling and texture projection.
CV : Control Vertex. A control point used to manipulate the shape of a NUBS curve.
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Monday, June 2, 2008

3D Animation Glossary : C (Part-1)

CAD : CAD stands fro Computer Added Design basically its considered as computer based models of objects for visualization or testing as an aid in the design process. In reality CAD is combination of most sophisticated and precise real-world measuring tools which are more functional then other 3D PACKAGES? but they don’t have surfacing and animation feature .
Camera : 3D space virtual viewpoint which can posses both direction and position. If we talk in 3D term logy camera is nothing but it represent viewers eye. While scene is rendered at final quality then its can better estimated by camera not by any software. Making the artist to view th objects at various angel to decide which one is better for scene.
Camera Mapping: Camera matching is a technique by which geometry matching the size and perspective of objects shown within a still image is constructed and original image mapped back onto those objects those objects. But it permit only limited movement and only giving an illusion
Camera Move: Movement of virtual camera within 3D software packages which just similar to real world in cinematography. Some possible moves are dollying in which camera move towards and away from any objects with a fixed angles. Panning in which camera position remains fixed, but the camera tilts or swivels in any direction to follow the action; and tracking, in which the camera moves in a single plane at right angles to the area of interest.
Camera Path: This can be described as camera virtual path which any camera takes during making the animation process.
Camera Tracking: Which is also known as match moving which is process of ‘extracting ‘ the motion of the camera in space from a piece of live-action footage. Such motion can be imported into 3D software packages and used to animate virtual camera for best match the rendered output to that of the source footage during the composition process .
Caustics : Patches of intense illumination caused by the refraction of light through a ransparent object or the reflection of light from a reflective surface. One common example would be the shifting patterns of light and shade cast on the floor of a swimming pool on a sunny day. Rendering software has only recently become sophisticated enough to mimic such complex real-world lighting effects as caustics.
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Sunday, May 25, 2008

3D Animation Glossary : B

Beauty Pass : Beauty pass is one the scene that features most significant information about objects , when rendering multiple passes of the scene. It contain main full-coloring
rendering of those objects, including diffuse illumination and does not having any significance with reflections, highlights, and shadows, which are usually separate passes.
Bit Depth: Bit is the smallest unit for storing object in memory , A 1 bit image is Black and white , 8 bit image provide 256 color palette, 24-Bit provides 16.7 million color that also called true color . A 32-bit image provides the same palette, plus an 8-bit greyscale alpha channel. So Bit Depth is nothing but “number of bits used to define shade or color of each pixel with in an image.
Bitmap : An image arranged accordingly to bit location in columns. Resolution of a PostScript file processed through a RIP will have a bitmap image with the characteristics and resolution of the particular output device (for example, laser printer at 300 upto 1200dpi, imagesetters at 1270dpi upto 5080dpi).
Blinn :Shading.
Blue screen Footage :Its can be defined as live footage shot against with single backdrop color (either green or blue) with a view to composition it into computer generated background. Every pixel with the same color value as the backdrop is replaced by CG image.
Bone: Rigid object similar to real bone which is placed inside the ‘skeleton’ of
a character during the process of rigging it for animation Bone movement acts upon the mesh
of the character model, deforming it.

Boolean : In the animation terminology Boolean is nothing but making an object , combining two objects with mathematical operators. The operation which are applied on that objects are subtraction , merging or even intersection of two objects.
Bounding Box : Smallest regular shaped box which enclosed a 3D object usually rectangular in shape .
Bump Map : 3D software package used a black and white image to simulate three dimensional detail of on the surface of an object . When projected over the surface of the object, parts of the surface beneath white areas of the image are raised; those beneath black
areas are depressed. Bump mapping is purely a rendering effect, however, and does not affect the underlying geometry of the model.
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Thursday, May 15, 2008

3D Animation Glossary : A

3D : Its basically Three-Dimensions graphic view of any part of body or even space that have width, length and Breath .

Algorithm : It’s a procedure following which we can get designated results , in 3D animation terms are algorithm used for generating texture , rendering images and controlling behavior or motion of any object by calculating mathematically .
Alpha Channel : Top 32-bit pixel which mainly used for other type of calculation besides generating color for image , its contains mask data which is used for separating an image from background which can be used for composition .
Ambient Light: Illumination level which generating artificially and representing infinite diffuse reflections from all surface wihin 3D scene , making possible that even surface without direct illumination become
visible to the user.
Animation: Process which create illusion of movement by projection of a still image series called frames. Sometimes its refer collection of techniques for making an 3D animation films and controlling object motion and camera for making a shot or scene in a animated move. More specially animation is keyframe animation , in which artist sets objects positions at certain key points in a action of scene and computer calculated their intervening positions through a
process of interpolation or ‘inbetweening’,and proceduralanimation, in which the motion is controlled automatically via a series of mathematical formulae.
Animatic : Basically its nothing but be rough sketch or even animation that give animator some idea about timings of sequence for making animated storyboard .
Anti-aliasing : Method of reducing or preventing rendering art facts by using color information to simulate a higher screen resolution .Basically process of softening the unnaturally precise or stepped edges (sometimes known as ‘the jaggies’) created when a computergenerated
object is placed against a contrasting background by using pixels of intermediate shades as a buffer between the two.
Aperture : While we taking about real camera size or openings that light passes through ( knows as f-stop) in order to reach the film. Larger the f-stop smaller the opening. Sometimes Animation software make you able to mimic the effects of different aperture settings on a record images
Aspect Ratio : Ratio between width and height of an image of making an image. Common aspect ratio for broadcast images is 4:3 and 16:9 widescreen.
Axis :A hypothetical linear path around which an object can be rotated, or across which it can be mirrored. In the Cartesian co-ordinate system, the three world axes, X, Y and Z (width, height and depth) define directionality within the 3D universe. Hence, a co-ordinate of (0,0,0) defines the origin of the world.
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Monday, May 12, 2008

Arena Animation Academy Specialist Program 2008 (AAASP 2008)

Animation and multimedia training giant Arena launched new stylist version of comprehensive 2.5 year high end supported Animation program, described as Arena Animation Academy Specialist Program 2008 (AAASP 2008), its now be latest complete 3D Animation Career Program. According to spokes person of the Arena that “the course is designed to meet industry specific needs and open the wide area for Animation professional after being trained with Arena Animation 2008 pack. According to officials “project based work in conjunction with theoretical and particle experience person can more elaborate their efforts to get what they really deserve in th Animation industry.
Says R Krishnan, Global Head, Arena Animation, “Arena Animation’s intensive course curriculum and experiential training is designed to give every student the competitive edge in the world of animation and make a great career in this new age industry. We are upgrading the course every year with the latest technological expertise so as to equip our students with the best of skills and make them valued members of this booming industry.”
Key feature of the AAASP 2008
1) Laddered learning
2) E-projects
3) Concept based modules
4) Industry Relevant curriculum
5) Upgraded version
The course which arena offered be 31-month , five semester 3D animation job oriented program . Its includes 3 session in week and each session must be 90 minute long. The eligibility for AAASP 2008 is that person have to be completed their class 12.

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

History of Film Animation

The history of film animation began in the 1890s with the earliest days of silent films and continues through the present day. The first animated film was created by Charles-Émile Reynaud, inventor of the praxinoscope, an animation system using loops of 12 pictures. On October 28, 1892 at Musée Grévin in Paris, France he exhibited animations consisting of loops of about 500 frames, using his Théâtre Optique system - similar in principle to a modern film projector.

The first animated work on standard picture film was Humorous Phases of Funny Faces (1906) by J. Stuart Blackton. It features a cartoonist drawing faces on a chalkboard, and the faces apparently coming to life.

Fantasmagorie, by the French director Émile Cohl (also called Émile Courtet), is also noteworthy. It was screened for the first time on August 17, 1908 at Théâtre du Gymnase in Paris. Émile Courtet later went to Fort Lee, New Jersey near New York City in 1912, where he worked for French studio Éclair and spread its technique in the US.

The first puppet-animated film was The Beautiful Lukanida (1912) by the Russian-born (ethnically Polish) director Wladyslaw Starewicz (Ladislas Starevich).

The first animated feature film was El Apóstol, made in 1917 by Quirino Cristiani from Argentina. He also directed two other animated feature films, including 1931's Peludopolis, the first to use synchronized sound. None of these, however, survive to the present day. The earliest-surviving animated feature, which used colour-tinted scenes, is the silhouette-animated Adventures of Prince Achmed (1926) directed by German Lotte Reiniger and French/Hungarian Berthold Bartosch. Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), often considered to be the first animated feature when in fact at least eight were previously released, was the nevertheless first to use Technicolor and the first to become successful within the English-speaking world.

The first Japanese-made anime film was the propaganda film Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors by the Japanese director Mitsuyo Seo. The film, shown in 1945, was ordered to be made to support the war by the Japanese Naval Ministry. The film's song AIEUO no Uta was later used in Osamu Tezuka's anime series Kimba the White Lion. Originally thought to have been destroyed during the American occupation, a negative copy survived and the film is now available in Japan on VHS.

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Sunday, May 4, 2008

What is 3D animation?

Being educated in 3D animation can open various filed like film , software etc for making career. Bureau of Labor Statistics yearly reports reveals that 3D animation expending opportunities in USA.
What is 3D animation?
Process of making characters or even computer OBJECTS (IN oops) like that they move and generate desired action. In comparison to 2d animation 3D animation image, we are able to see different angle and move around and became observable from all the angles ., like we are watching real life live objects . It’s a very new technology in comparison of currently existing technology and as 3D animation movie or even small part of movie can take time and many 3D animator help that’s why more and more 3D animator get job and work in our field . Basically person who are interested in making career in entertainment , video game industries 3D animation is best option for these people . In Real estate industry also much opportunity exist for 3D animation because now the planning of the city , building are also makes by 3D animation such that thee attract more and more people . Besides that you have technology capability and specialization in video graphics and special effects but besides that it require person own artistic talent and creativity.
Because competition exists for such positions, one who specializes in more than area of animation, demonstrating greater job flexibility, may have a greater chance of landing a higher paying job. College, universities, and technical schools offer a variety of courses in animation, graphic design or computer programming designed to prepare one for the animation, video graphics, and special effects industry. Earning a higher education, whether it is just taking individual courses or pursuing a certificate or degree program, may be beneficial for one's future career options.
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Friday, May 2, 2008

Animation Books

Here are couple of animation books recommended by experts in animation.

1. Ruff, Barry and Gene Bodio. "Softimage Design Publishing Guide: Everything You Need to Master 3-D Modeling and Animation with Microsoft's Softimage." Coriolis Group, 1997.

2. Baker, Christopher. "Let There Be Life: Animating with the Computer." Walker and Co., 1997.
3. Foley, James. "Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice." Addison-Wesley, 1995.
4. Bridgman, George. "The Book of a Hundred Hands." Dover, 1972
5. Cody, John. "Atlas of Foreshortening: The Human Figure in Deep Perspective." Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1984.
6. Carr, Robert and R.M. Hayes. "Wide Screen Movies: A History and Filmography of Wide Gauge Filmmaking." McFarland and Co., 1988.

Here is a magazine that might be of interest to you.
"Animation Magazine." 30101 Agoura Court, Suite 110, Agoura Hills, CA 91301.

So have fun reading all the material to brighten your future in animation.

Tej Kohli

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Animation Professionals Salary Band

Salaries in animation industry are as varied as any other industry. Salaried animators and multi-media artists these days are earning an average of about $44,000. In the motion picture industry the median salary is higher, at around $60,000. Here also salaries vary depending upon the employer and the region.

Computer animation and multimedia is a fiercely competitive field. Similar to the web, the entertainment industry, and other multimedia outlets continue to grow, there continue to be opportunities for talented artists to work as animators. But you really need to get the proper training at a strong computer animation school to be on that cutting edge that these employers seek. You can't think of being a novice and start working in animation. Not only do you get hands on training with the best equipment, but you also rub shoulders with those who know the industry well. This is just as important as the training itself.

Tej Kohli

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tej Kohli: Books on Animation

Tej Kohli shares a collection of his most favourite books on 3D Animation.

Animating Real-Time Game Charactersby Paul Steed
The Artist's Complete Guide to Facial Expression
by Gary Faigin
Horses and Other Animals in Motion
by Eadweard Muybridge
Muybridge's Complete Human and Animal Locomotion (Volumes 1-4)
by Eadweard Muybridge
Encyclopedia of Animation Techniques (Encyclopedia of Art Series)
The Animation : Master Handbook
by Jeff Paries
Character Animation in Depth
by Doug Kelly
3-D Human Modeling and Animation
by Peter Ratner, Pe Ratner
Effective Web Animation : Advanced Techniques for the Web
by J. Scott Hamlin
Animation 101
by Ernest Pintoff

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Career in Animation

Animation gives various opportunity and roles in various industry. Indians who are seeking for a career in Animation is be good news that wings of Animation creator now expended into various field and its be new era phenomena for showing something new. The techniques for making new design also increased and now it’s embedding various media s for interacting real world. Animation is now limited only for making career in only software or even IT industry but films production , advertisement , television, the Internet, CD-ROM production, as well as product design/visualization, architecture, and interior design. Various roles and various departments in various have been made for recruiting animation professionals.
Different color Animation professionals

2-D Animator
Its be old fashioned but still exist because there are various area in which 2-D animation plays significant role and most important thing is that its be foundation of modern 3-D animation. 2-D animation professional can work animation, character design, clean-up, doping, modeling, slugging, and storyboarding.

3-D Animator
Various tools and software are in the market which plays significant role while designing and modeling character. 3-D animation gives the life of the charter. Now moving object just like real world people. Tools which help for making 3-D animation are PhotoShop, SoftImage, Alias/Wavefront, Maya, and others.s

Storyboard Artist
One of the challenging opportunity grown now are the days are Storyboard Artist. Basically these are the guys who interpret scripts to create storyboard. Work include are as planning shots, visualizing the story before drawing it, and being careful to maintain continuity among the shots. Storyboard Artist works many times as cutting, pasting, drawing, sketching perspective and composition. Story idea and screen play are the few part of role model that our Storyboard Artist plays many times .
Layout Artist
Layout Artist works for making the ideas for animation creation by rendering background layout for every scene. Basically they prefer Storyboard and other research for creating things. Such type of layouts are not in final production but