CGI : Its stands for “Computer Generated Imagery” . With the use of computer software and technology or even we can say images generated by computer aid are known as CGI. Many persons are in believes that CGI is only related to 3D animation, but in reality it is widely applicable in various point.
Channel : Channel has different means in different terms , while we discussing Two-dimensional image , it refer to be a sub-image composed only of the values fro a single component of a given pixel. Different type if image color system has different channel like grayscale has only one color , RGB has three color and CMYK has four color .For the material object its applies to be one particular subset of the properties which determines the way in which a surface reacts to light, including colour, reflectivity, transparency, diffusion, specularity and bump.
Character Animation : Animation sub area which deals with the simulation of living obejects varied movements. Before making the object model move an underlying skeleton , constraints and controller must be set which called rigging process.
Colour Bleeding : Transferring of color of one object color to neighboring object because of light bouncing from one surface to other. For example caustics, colour bleeding is a complex real-world lighting effect, and one that rendering software has only recently become able to simulate accurately.
Colour Space : Mathematical calculation for defining way of color representation in an image . Some common and well known color spaces includes are RGB (Red , Green , Blue ) having 24bit depth and mostly used in broadcasting applications. Little known but widely used color schema is CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) having 32 bit depth and mostly used in print illustration work .
Compositing : Process of combining multiple image into one image . Mostly used in film for
Making live actor with computer generated background reverse also true. Also used for multi-pass rendering to combine the various render passes in different ways to control the look of a scene.
Compression : Process of reducing quantity of data in the making of an image . Compression is very affective tool but its can de be non-destructive (‘lossless’) or destructive (‘lossy’), in which data set is discarded permanently. For example converting still image into JPEG.
Constrain : To restrict the motion of an object to one or two planes, or to a certain range of values within a plane, in order to simplify the process of animation. Constraints are commonly imposed on joints within a skeleton during the process of rigging a character for animation, in
order to prevent that character from performing actions that would be physically impossible.
Constructive Solid Geometry : A modeling technique that combines simple solid forms, or
primitives, into more complex models, by means of Boolean operations. Common primitives
include the plane, the cube, the sphere, the cone and the torus.
Co-ordinate System : A set of numerical values used to denote a location in 3D space. In the
Cartesian co-ordinate system, three orthogonal ‘world axes’ (the X, Y and Z axes) are used to define the position of a point relative to the intersection of these axes, or origin. Other co-ordinate systems can be used for modeling and texture projection.
CV : Control Vertex. A control point used to manipulate the shape of a NUBS curve.
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1 comment:
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