Thursday, June 9, 2011

Best animation Movies Ever #24 Metropolis

Tej Kohli series of best animated movies ever gives the 24th spot to the classic animated movie Metropolis. Read what makes this movie special at Tej Kohli blog.

One of the true classics of the silent era Fritz Lang's Metropolis, is still considered a classic among animated films.

Released in 2001, movie is an adaptation of Osamu Tezuka's manga series, which itself adapted Lang's film. The animation showcases a conflict between societal classes, but also offers a very personal exploration of what is the significance of Human life. The movie is replete with fantastic visuals and pure, uncontrolled imagination. Even today, metropolis certainly holds a strong position against classics of the sorts of Akira and Ghost in the Shell.

Tej Kohli animation blog is a place to find all the tips and information on animation. For the next movie in the list, keep reading Tej Kohli blog.

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