Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tej Kohli's Free 3D Animation Tools

In the wake of the several award-winning 3D animation movies, a lot of students and computer design graduates find themselves interesting in taking up a career in 3D animation movies. Tej Kohli animation career blog has always strived to help those seeking a creer in animation field. Even though this field demands sheer dedication and hard work, this career can pay off good in the long run. Nowadays, you can choose from a plethora of 3D animation programs that can be used to create any desired effect. Tej Kohli Animation Career Blog brings you an overview of some such 3D animation tools.

1. Blender – an open-source selection of 3D animation tools and is available totally free of cost online. Tej Kohli feels that this is an excellent program for beginners to use so as to determine whether 3D animation is the right career path for you. This program in many versions compatible with all popular OS.

2. Poser – a program developed by SmithMicro software, poser provides the most powerful 3D animation tools that are used by professional animators. The newest version of Poser gives students an opportunity to create 3D faces from digital images which can later be improved with additional features like hair, clothing and other accessories. Again this program is compatible with all leading operating systems.

3. Mudbox – Created by Autodesk and first implemented in the blockbuster remake of 'king kong', MudBox is an awesome animation software says Tej Kohli. Mudbox makes use of virtual brushes to better adapt to the needs to modern digital designers and animators. 3D characters created using Mudbox can easily be manipulated, posed or deformed to create real 3D effects. The built-in scene recorder in Mudbox can record short sequences and is available in windows and Mac compatible versions.

4. After Effects : Straight from the Adobe labs comes the Adobe After Effects, which is compatible with Adobe family's other image and video-editing applications. This software allows users to seamlessly import their work from other programs for 3D rendering. It is compatible with both Windows and Mac.
Read more on Education and Career at Tej Kohli Education Blog.

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