Tej Kohli animation Career help blog brings another informative piece of article on who invented 3D animation. Find out who contributed to the evolution of 3d with Tej Kohli.
When someone asks me who invented 3D animation, I simply reply that there is no one person responsible for creation of 3D animation. Instead, it is an outcome of the combined efforts of various innovators, artists and advancements in the field of technology.
Advent of Computer Art
"Computer graphics in the olden days were clunky and difficult to create", says Tej Kohli. Users had to produce their computer art by inputting complicated mathematical equations and coordinates. It was after Ivan Sutherland's created the Sketchpad software in 1961 that caused computer graphics to take off. This program allowed users to use a light pen to actually draw images for a computer to replicate. His software became the inspiration for much of the computer graphics software we use today.
Digitalization of the world
Thomas knoll created Adobe Photoshop as a simple photo editing tool, but by the early nineties a lot of magazines advertising agencies and film studies started using Photoshop and Illustrator to produce their mass market images. This led to the growth of these softwares and paved way for 3d Animation says Tej Kohli.
Disney Goes Digital
Disney ruled the 2D animation industry until the late 10930s and was at its peak during the 1980s. During what was known as Disney renaissance, animators looked for new ways to make their movies different. They began to animate more detailed elements using 2D animation software.
Full Digital Movies
Disney people searched for cost- and time- effective techniques to churn out more of their immensely lucrative films per year. A company called Graphics Group launched a computer system that allowed animators to automate the laborious ink and coloring parts of the process. With the release of "Pocahantas" in 1995, Disney became the first animation studio to use this computer process for a complete film.
John Lasseter, an employee at the Graphics Group, created 3-D short animation films to help sell their products. These short films gained so much attention that Disney and the Graphics Group (renamed Pixar) teamed up to release "Toy Story" in 1995. The film was a success and proved to cost less and take less time than producing 2-D animated films. Pixar's subsequent film releases, and those of other animation studios, proved that 3-D would be the future of animation.
To learn more about Animation keep reading Tej Kohli blog.
When someone asks me who invented 3D animation, I simply reply that there is no one person responsible for creation of 3D animation. Instead, it is an outcome of the combined efforts of various innovators, artists and advancements in the field of technology.
Advent of Computer Art
"Computer graphics in the olden days were clunky and difficult to create", says Tej Kohli. Users had to produce their computer art by inputting complicated mathematical equations and coordinates. It was after Ivan Sutherland's created the Sketchpad software in 1961 that caused computer graphics to take off. This program allowed users to use a light pen to actually draw images for a computer to replicate. His software became the inspiration for much of the computer graphics software we use today.
Digitalization of the world
Thomas knoll created Adobe Photoshop as a simple photo editing tool, but by the early nineties a lot of magazines advertising agencies and film studies started using Photoshop and Illustrator to produce their mass market images. This led to the growth of these softwares and paved way for 3d Animation says Tej Kohli.
Disney Goes Digital
Disney ruled the 2D animation industry until the late 10930s and was at its peak during the 1980s. During what was known as Disney renaissance, animators looked for new ways to make their movies different. They began to animate more detailed elements using 2D animation software.
Full Digital Movies
Disney people searched for cost- and time- effective techniques to churn out more of their immensely lucrative films per year. A company called Graphics Group launched a computer system that allowed animators to automate the laborious ink and coloring parts of the process. With the release of "Pocahantas" in 1995, Disney became the first animation studio to use this computer process for a complete film.
John Lasseter, an employee at the Graphics Group, created 3-D short animation films to help sell their products. These short films gained so much attention that Disney and the Graphics Group (renamed Pixar) teamed up to release "Toy Story" in 1995. The film was a success and proved to cost less and take less time than producing 2-D animated films. Pixar's subsequent film releases, and those of other animation studios, proved that 3-D would be the future of animation.
To learn more about Animation keep reading Tej Kohli blog.